
Interaction Effectiveness Assessment®

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"No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge."

~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

"You need to know things the others don't know. It's what no one knows about you that allows you to know yourself."

~Don DeLillo, Point Omega

The more you know about how you currently behave and what is perceived by others to be effective, the more intentional you can be with the behaviors you choose to show. The more intentional you are, the better you will be understood, and the outcome of your interactions will be more effective, satisfying, and productive over time.

The Interaction Effectiveness Assessment® (iea) was developed to fill a crucial void in the self-assessment market.

  • There are numerous fine instruments currently available that provide important information to help you know more about yourself, your preferences, your traits and general characteristics, the way you approach conflict, whether you are risk-prone or risk-averse, and the like.
  • While this information provides insight, it seldom outlines the influence and consequences these characteristics have on your interactions with others.

Why should you care?

Our research indicates very few people are highly satisfied with their level of interpersonal effectiveness. Fortunately, even small steps can lead to very significant gains in satisfaction and productivity. Knowing which steps to take, at which time, is the key to increased interpersonal competence.

The iea provides a guide (roadmap) to improving interactions across time and situations. The system used to formulate the iea has been refined through applications designed to improve individual development in an ongoing and sustained manner.

  • All behavior has consequences – some desirable and others unintended.
  • Many people spend the majority of their lives interacting with others with little awareness of how their behavior affects other people.
  • The effectiveness of your interactions helps determine the quality of friendships, co-workers relations, family cohesion, career advancement, job retention, personal satisfaction, growth and maturation.
  • Effective relationships help to reduce the amount of stress in your life.
  • As you become more effective, you become someone others want to spend time with, learn from, and emulate.

There are few, if any, self-assessments on the market that:

  • Can be administered without requiring professional assistance.
  • Are useful to anyone old enough to have generally consistent patterns of behavior.
  • Clarify what impact your behavior has on others.
  • Provide ways to modify your behavior in order to be more effective.
  • Are based on over fifty years of international research.
  • Use knowledge acquired from thirty years of cross-cultural and multi-language applications.


The Interaction Effectiveness Assessment® (iea) has its fundamental roots in the work of Robert F. Bales (1916-2004) and his SYMLOG system.

Bales was an eminent social psychologist and Professor of Psychology and Social Relations at Harvard University. The iea relies heavily on his theory and system of measurement for social interaction. The research conducted by the SYMLOG Consulting Group (SCG) over the last thirty years forms the basis for the normative data used in the iea reports.

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