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Effectiveness Profile Report

The Effectiveness Profile report shows your actual ratings

Compares them to the range of behaviors associated with effective interaction, and gives specific suggestions on how to modify your behavior in order to be more effective.

After studying the report you will be able to answer the questions:

  • What specific behaviors are associated with my interaction pattern?
  • How effective is my behavior likely to be in general?
  • What specific strengths do I have to use to my advantage?
  • What behaviors do I potentially show too often?
  • What behaviors do I potentially not show often enough?
  • What are the likely consequences on others for my behavior?
  • What specifically can I do to modify my behavior to be more effective?

Research, conducted in a variety of cultures, has shown that a range of emphasis on certain behaviors will generally optimize your interpersonal effectiveness.

  • How you behave has an impact on the quality and outcomes of your interactions.
  • Some behaviors contribute more to enhancing friendly trusting relationships, group cohesiveness, and individual and group productivity.
  • Other behaviors have a detrimental effect on relationships and problem solving, and should be minimized and rarely shown.

Sample information you will learn in the Effectiveness Profile Report.

Effectiveness Profile Report

Your rating profile (arrows) compared to the optimum range (green).

You might not rely enough on behaviors associated with trusting, accepting, sensitive.

  • Ask yourself honestly if you are personally trustworthy. If your answer is yes, ask yourself if others actually perceive you this way. If not, you may want to work on having others trust you, and in turn, you may find others worthy of your trust.
  • Reduce any tendencies you may have to compete and "win at all costs" in interpersonal relations.
  • Slow down, relax with others more often, take a genuine interest in their lives, and defer to their feelings more often.
  • Don’t talk about your own real or imagined achievements or power.
  • Listen more to others; try to recognize where your prejudices and stereotypes may have prevented you from finding commonality and good in others.
  • When you find commonality, focus on it as much or more than on differences.
  • Accuse people less and show more respect for their perceptions. (AREA P)

Click here to see a comparison of the different packages available.

The iea shows you which of your behaviors are within the effective range, and which fall out of range. Fortunately, you can modify your own behavior to be more effective in all your interactions.